Connects points defined by coordinates X, Y and Z in a competitive manner to starting trees msttrees (alternatively: starting positions as index into X, Y and Z) using a greedy algorithm which minimizes locally the total amount of wiring and the path length to the root (with balancing factor bf). A threshold connection distance thr and a maximal path length in the tree mplen constrain the resulting tree size. A sparse distance matrix DIST between nodes is added to the cost function. Don't forget to include input tree nodes into the distance matrix DIST! Option '-b' forbids trifurcations during the process, option '-t' outputs timelapse trees, see option '-s' for a movie.

For speed and memory considerations an area of close vicinity is drawn around each tree as it grows.

Connect hundred randomly distributed points

>> X = rand(100,1)*100; Y = rand(100,1)*100; Z = zeros(100,1);

>> tree = MST_tree (1, [50; X], [50; Y], [0; Z],...
  .5, 50, [], [], 'none');
because input msttrees is "1",
first node in X, Y and Z (at 50, 50, 0) becomes the only root
from which a tree is grown


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