T2N is an extension of the TREES Toolbox
providing an interface between Matlab and compartmental modeling environment
Available downloads:
[Github repository]
[download zipped T2N from Github]
[download zipped T2N version from paper]
[download zipped T2N granule cell model]
[readme for T2N granule cell model]
T2N provides:
"Beining M, Mongiat LA, Schwarzacher SW, Cuntz H, Jedlicka P (2017). T2N as a new tool for robust electrophysiological modeling demonstrated for mature and adult-born dentate granule cells. eLife e26517."
developed by
Marcel Beining
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License
last updated on 17 January 2024, Hermann Cuntz