Current authors

Hermann Cuntz, Ernst Strüngmann Institute, Frankfurt TREES main developer

Bassem Hermila, ESI Frankfurt and Giessen University TREES main developer

Felix Effenberger, Ernst Strüngmann Institute, Frankfurt TREES developer

Previous authors

Marcel Beining, MPI for Brain Research, Frankfurt TREES developer, T2N main developer

Friedrich Forstner, MPI of Neurobiology, Martinsried developer

Individual contributions

Padraig Gleeson, Silver lab, London - neuroML export

Alexander Borst, MPI of Neurobiology, Martinsried supervision

Michael Häusser, University College London supervision

Here could be your name.

We invite users to incorporate any extensions and/or related code which they will develop. Ideally, suggestions to improvements or add-ons to the code should be sent directly as improved pieces of code. The contributor's name will be mentioned in the header of the function when integrated in the toolbox and in the toolbox documentation.

Acknowledgements We thank Karl Farrow, Yihwa Kim, Philipp Rautenberg, Martin O'Reilly and Sarah Rieubland for pretesting parts of the software package; Jan Gründemann for providing the Purkinje cell used in the TREES Toolbox logo; Idan Segev for helpful discussions.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License
last updated on 17 January 2024, Hermann Cuntz